Golden Retriever Club of Scotland – Open Show – 16th June 2024

Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge.  The club show has always been special to me both as an exhibitor and helping my grandad who was show manager in the 90’s. Thank you to the exhibitors that stayed despite the heavy rain.  I really tried to stay out as long as it was safe in order to provide a big ring, however after the dogs concluded it was time to move in to the marquee!

Baby Puppy Dog (3,1a)

  1. Young & Grady’s Thornywait Bring It Back. Just right for 5 months old, this boy was confident and full of character. Lovely masculine head, good strong bone with a straight front and rear. Correct depth and spring of rib. Moved settled and well. Best Baby Puppy in Show
  2. Cordiner’s Wheatcroft Starman. Very much a baby compared to 1 at just 18 weeks but a lot to like. Liked his head, well defined with lovely dark pigment. Good reach of neck leading to well angulated shoulders and a level topline. Not quite settled on the move but definitely enjoyed his day out!

Veteran Dog (6, 2a)

  1. Rose & Neil’s Gildas Amori Infiniti. Loved this 7-year-old boys’ animation, as soon as he walked in the ring, he had such a presence. Attractive, classic head with nice dark pigment. Good front angulation flowing to a level topline, which was held on the move as he powered round the ring with drive. Reserve Best Dog, Best Veteran Dog
    2. Wright’s Palton Panetela. At 9 years old he does not show his age. He has a masculine, well chiseled head with a kind expression. Straight front with catlike feet and well-placed shoulders. A little longer coupled compared to 1, good turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved well.

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

  1. Holmes’s Ashbyglen Excalibur. Stood alone but a lot to like about this 7-month-old boy, just right for his age. Lovely mid golden well-presented coat. Gentle expression with lovely dark pigment and correct bite. Really liked his overall shape, nothing overdone. Well angulated shoulders and deep chest. Short coupled and good turn of stifle. Moved well and sound.

Puppy Dog (4,0a)

Close decision between 1&2, I am sure they both have a successful show career ahead.
1. Cuthill’s Messano Pop Master of Mousseglen.  At 11 months old this young man is well balanced with great substance and bone.  Straight front with tight catlike feet, well angulated shoulders with a good reach of neck, level topline and strong loin. Moved straight and true fore and aft. Best Puppy Dog
2. Towers & Henderson’s Barcia Bella Divino. 11-month-old boy with a thick pale coat, presented in great condition. My notes say, ‘love his head!’.  He has a handsome, well-balanced head with dark pigment and just the right maturity for his age. Good bone, well angulated shoulders and deep through the heart.  Good turn of stifle leading to well let down hocks. Moved sound and accurately.

Junior Dog (8, 0a)

  1. Middlemiss & Brown’s Harmarjoy You’re My Love. A very appealing mid golden dog, attentive to his handler with an adoring expression. Straight, tight feet with good length of leg. Well laid-back shoulders and ribs well sprung, short coupled and good rear angulation. This boy can move, such great drive!
    2. Towers & Henderson’s Barcia Bella Divino

Special Yearling Dog (4, 1a)

  1. Middlemiss & Brown’s Harmarjoy You’re My Love
  2. Warden’s Holinbrae Zoom Time at Glentochty. Having judged this boy as a puppy it was nice to see how he is maturing. At 19 months, he has a masculine well balanced head. Straight front and good depth through the heart. Well balanced boy with a topline which was held on the move. Would like to see him with more coat.

Maiden Dog (2, 1a)

  1. Wurft’s Tenfield Royal Salute. 13-month-old boy with a rich golden coat. Pleasing head with good pigment. Nice outline, well balanced. Moved better in this class as he settled into his stride.

Novice Dog (5, 1a)

  1. McFarlane’s Bluebraes Gie It Laldy. At 13 months this boy has a chiseled masculine head with a kind expression, just right for his age. Good length of upper arm with well laid-back shoulders. He has plenty depth of chest and spring of rib, well bent stifles and in good muscular condition. Was more settled on the move as the classes went on.
  2. McLeod’s Bluebraes Bidey in at Rocamar. Brother to 1 and very similar. Well balanced with a full mid golden coat. Good level topline, short coupled, well bent stifle and in great muscular condition. Would like to see a little less length of coat on his tail to finish the ‘picture’. Moved well.

Undergraduate Dog (3, 0a)

  1. McLeod’s Bluebraes Bidey in at Rocamar

Graduate Dog (10, 1a)

Some very lovely up and coming boys in this class.

  1. Law’s Sandti Back of the Net. At 2.5 there is still some maturing to go but he has a lovely well balanced, masculine head. Straight front with tight feet and close elbows. Level topline, short coupling and well bent stifles. Where this boy comes alive is on the move, with lovely drive and straight movement fore and aft. I couldn’t look past that when awarding him the class.
  2. Harris & Ball’s Wemcrest Out of This World JW. One I have admired since he was a puppy, was nice to get my hands on him. 2 years old with a lovely rich, well presented golden coat. Typical male golden head with good dark pigment. Straight front with good depth of chest. Nice level topline which was held on the move. Unlucky to have met 1 today.

Post Graduate Dog (1, 0a)

  1. Bolton’s Megarvey Still Game for Shiresmill JW. This young boys head is just gorgeous, well chiseled and not overdone in any way. Good reach of neck leading to well laid-back shoulders with good length of upper arm. Well sprung ribs and strong in the loin. Well bent stifles and hocks well let down. Moved well with a long and free stride.

Limit Dog (6, 2a)

  1. Simms-Stelling’s Penbridge Play Fast and Loose for StVincent. 5-year-old mid golden boy. Such a handsome head with kind expression. Tight catlike feet and stood on great bone. Good length of upperarm and well laid-back shoulders leading to a level topline, which he held on the move with drive. A lot to like.
  2. Warden’s Noblemoon Tak the High Road to Glentochty. Lovely, well presented dark golden coat. Traditional golden head with correct scissor bite. Straight front, well laid-back shoulders and level topline. Slightly longer compared to 1. I have judged this boy before and have to compliment his owner on his consistent strong muscular condition which shows in his balance and on the move.

Open Dog (5, 0a)

  1. Ogilvie’s Linirgor Play My Song for Glenbuie. At 6 years old this boy has a lovely masculine, well balanced head. Love his outline, well balanced, straight front, good reach of neck, well laid-back shoulders and level topline. Strong in the loin and good bend of stifle. He really shines on the move with drive and reach. Best Dog, Reserve Best in Show.


Baby Puppy Bitch (2, 1a)

  1. Purdie’s Thornywait Bring Me Luck. At 5 months old this young lady is just right for her age. Nice feminine head with super pigment. Well angulated fore and aft. Will watch her with interest as she matures.

Veteran Bitch (4,2a)

  1. Crookes & Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Victory Jubilee JW. At 8 years old this wonderful girl does not show her age. Kind feminine expression. Lovely front angulation giving her a good forechest. Level topline which she held on the move. Good bend of stifle and well let down hocks, correct tailset. Just loved watching her drive around the ring. Delighted to award her Reserve Best Bitch, Best Veteran Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.
  2. Lang’s Fenpinque Ice Maiden. 7-year-old pale girl, slightly longer cast than 1 but still a lot to like. She has good angulation, front and rear. Moved straight and true.

Minor Puppy Bitch (5, 2a)

  1. Ashbyglen I Put a Spell on You. At just 7 months old this girl has such a lovely feminine head with nice dark pigment. Liked her substance with good bone. Well balanced with well laid-back shoulders and good length of upper arm. Short coupled and well let down hocks. Moved well.

2.Hill’s Drumkilty One Night Stand for Sandaula. At just 6 months old this young pale girl has a lovely outline, well angulated throughout and not overdone. Sweet expression and nice shaped eye. Just not as settled on the move compared to 1 but taking her age and the environment into consideration she did very well.

Puppy Bitch (8, 3a)

  1. Saunderson’s Drumkilty Rebel Song for Crobeag. Kind feminine head with dark pigment. Lovely bone and substance for 10 months old. She has well angulated shoulders and a good forechest. Well sprung ribs, strong in the loin and well bent stifles. Moved settled and free. Best Puppy in Show
  2. Waddell’s Seancaer Just the Beginning. Mid golden 10-month-old bitch. Liked her head, sweet soft expression, yet well defined. Straight front, good length of upper arm. Level topline, short coupled and correct tail set. Good rear angulation, moved well.

Junior Bitch (8, 5a)

  1. Williams’s Lamhryn Star of the Sea. Lovely balanced outline, well angulated front and rear. In good condition and well presented. Won the class on her long and free movement which she quickly settled into despite the compact ring.
  2. Russell’s Grassyards Field of Gold. Mid golden girl at 14 months. She has a well-balanced head with good pigment and correct bite. Well angulated shoulders and good spring of rib. Good bend of stifle, hocks well let down and straight. Moved well but didn’t have the drive of 1 on the day.

Special Yearling Bitch (7, 5a)

  1. Lochead’s Kaylaton Heidi Weiss. 19-month-old mid golden bitch. Nice feminine head with well set apart dark eyes. Well angulated front and rear, level topline and short coupled. Moved straight and true.
  2. Crookes & Jenkinson’s Thornywait Royal Story for Quakerhall. 13-month-old mid golden bitch. A finer built girl compared to 1 but there is 6 months age difference. Liked her expression and pigmentation. Good straight front, tight catlike feet. Level topline and good rear angulation. Moved well.

Maiden Bitch (3, 1a)

  1. Seancaer Just the Beginning.
  2. Walker’s Cardrona Cha Cha Cha. Well angulated 10-month-old bitch in full coat. Sweet expression, well-made throughout. Moved well.

Novice Bitch (6, 4a)

  1. Drumkilty Rebel Song for Crobeag.
  2. Cardrona Cha Cha Cha

Undergraduate Bitch (4, 2a)

  1. Kaylaton Heidi Weiss
  2. Pratt’s Rosyth Kind of Magic. Dark golden girl with coat in lovely condition. Straight front, level topline, correct tail set and moved well. Close class but preferred the shoulder angulation of 1.

Graduate Bitch (9, 5a)

  1. Waddell’s New Year’s Eve Date Loyal Gold. Really liked the outline of this girl, a lot to like about her. Sweet feminine head with nice dark pigment. Straight front with tight feet, well laid-back shoulders and good depth of rib. Well bent stifle and straight let down hocks. Moved settled and well. Will watch her with interest.
  2. Williamsons Sandti Tiki Taka JW. One I have judged and admired before, unlucky to meet 1 today. She has a lovely well-balanced head with correct scissor bite. Good front angulation and nice level topline leading to correct tail set. Moved well but felt she didn’t quite manage to get into her stride today.

Post Graduate Bitch (4, 2a)

  1. Williams’s Auristela Lady Luck at Lamhryn. Such a happy girl when free stood for her critique. Lovely outline, good shoulder angulation and well sprung ribs with plenty of depth. Short coupled and well bent stifle. Liked her animation on the move whilst remaining straight and true.
  2. Lang’s Lanercoste Pink Roses. 3-year-old girl with a full, well presented cream golden coat. Pretty feminine head with dark pigment. Well laid-back shoulders and good reach of neck. Moved well.

Limit Bitch (4, 2a)

A very close class between 2 pretty golden girls!

  1. Middlemiss’s Harmarjoy Freya. At 3 years old, this girl has a beautiful feminine head. Good front and rear angulation, nothing overdone. Lovely spring of rib and short coupled. Happy girl on the move, holding her topline.

2.Lochhead’s Bluebraes Meadow Pipit. Love how attentive this girl is to her handler. With a gentle expression, she has a sweet traditional golden head. Good straight front with well laid-back shoulders and plenty of depth of chest. Moved well, straight and true. Well handled.

Open Bitch (7, 2a)

  1. Russell’s Grassyards Call Me Madam JW. This 5-year-old girl stood out with her stunning outline and well-presented golden coat. She has a pretty feminine head, good reach of neck. Her front angulation is where she excels, good length of upper arm, well laid shoulders and deep chest. She has well sprung ribs, short coupled, leading to a good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved with drive, holding her topline. Best Bitch, Best in Show.
  2. Foreman’s Ambersun Heart of Gold. What a happy girl! Lovely rich dark golden coat. Pretty head with good dark pigment. Well laid-back shoulders, lovely topline which she held on the move.


Jennifer Good​​​​